Q: How do I know which size to order?
A: Please see the item description, this includes a size guide and information on what the model is wearing for comparison.
Q: When will my order ship?
A: Most orders are shipped in 1-2 working days. Orders placed outside of our operating hours (9-5, Mon-Fri) won't be be processed until the next working day.
Q: Can I cancel or edit my order?
A: Speedy delivery is our mission, which means unfortunately, once your order has been placed we cannot make any changes.
Q: How do I return my order?
A: Please return your parcel to the senders delivery address. Unfortunately, we cannot offer free returns, as we're only a teeny tiny business right now!
Q: Can I exchange my order?
A: Sure. As long as the item is unworn, you can exchange your order. Please note you will be responsible for the returns postage.
Q: Can I purchase a gift card?
A: Of course! Simply drop us a message and we can arrange an online gift card.